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"It is said that when Alberto Giacometti announced to André Breton that he was going to resume drawing from models, Breton exclaimed: 'Everyone knows what a head is!' It is also said that Giacometti replied: 'I don't,' and that he spent the rest of his life looking for new criteria for drawing the face. Yassine 'Yaze' Mekhnache also paints only heads. But, while Giacometti claimed he wanted to render 'the experience of seeing a head,' it seems that Yaze, instead, wishes to offer some idea that is not anatomical, of its content."
Manon Lutanie, foreword to Lyfe, 2010

Lyfe is Yassine Mekhnache’s first monograph.

Yassine Mekhnache

Published in May 2011
Printed in Germany
500 copies
21 × 27 cm, 8.3 × 10.6 in, 170 pages
English, French
ISBN: 978-2-918685-02-9

Editor: Marine Morin
Design: Eps51

Out of print